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  Bill Pere:  Executive Director



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A History of CSA: The First Decade (1979-1989)

What is Song Craft ?

Why Join CSA ?

Members featured in Making Music Magazine

American Idol Articles

 Articles on songwriting techniques

Want to Sign a Record Contract ?

Songcrafters' Coloring Book: The Essential Guide to Effective and Successful Songwriting

Interested in a weekend Songwriting Retreat?

Members have the opportunity to get their songs released on our Compilation CD's

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Great performance opportunities at our Showcases and Concert Series. For  performance opportunities and schedules, click here   

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Would you be interested in attending a weekend Songwriter Retreat?
(details here)




A Perspective from Executive Director, Bill Pere, who has been a member of CSA
from its very first year in 1979

   There are not many songwriter organizations which have been around for almost 30 years. Aside from the national groups like SGA, NSAI, etc, CSA is perhaps the only regional organization with such longevity and national reputation.   We are well integrated into both the mainstream music industry and the Indie Music community.
   Aside from many statewide press articles, CSA was the subject of a feature article in the internationally distributed Songwriters Market book as early as 1991.   On page 260 of Sheila Davis' book "Successful Lyric Writing" (one of the classic songwriter reference books of all time) you will find a case study of CSA as an example of a highly successful regional songwriter organization. We are known in New York, Nashville, and L.A and we attract well known industry pros from these music centers.

In today's music scene, anyone can produce their own CD and get international distribution with little difficulty.  CSA has been helping folks achieve that goal  for many years.  The key to making your music stand out from the tens of thousands of other new artists is ultimately the quality of the songs.   That is where CSA really shines - in helping artists make their songs be the best they can be, while maintaining individual style, creativity, and artistry.   The organization has also saved lots of money for many artists by educating them about the differences between fair deals and scams,   how to get the best music production for the lowest cost,   how to find good collaborators, and how to understand contracts.

How does CSA achieve this ?  Over the years, we've had hundreds of top industry professionals volunteer their time to come and speak to our members. Grammy Award winners, Emmy Award Winners, Tony Award winners, Immie Award winners, platinum hit songwriters, and legends in various musical circles have all passed through our doors ( a list of many of them is on our website). Imagine having quality time to sit down with each of these professionals and learn from them. Over the course of 25 years, the education that one would have is something that could not be purchased from any school at any price.

As a lifetime member of CSA, I consider myself extremely fortunate and blessed to have had the opportunity from Year One to meet all these great individuals, share dinner with many of them, conduct one-on-one interviews, experience their critiques, hear their personal stories, and attend their presentations. Their incredibly deep well of experience, expertise, and personal insight, across a wide range of perspectives, creates a body of knowledge about the craft and business of songwriting that simply does not exist in any books, college curricula, or programs anywhere -- the only way to absorb this knowledge is to be there, consistently, month after month, over the course of time.

I've seen it happen time and time again, where new songwriters would start coming to meetings, and those who attended consistently and faithfully would show steady improvement, see doors open, and go on to become exceptional writers and performers, winning national awards and securing many publishing and licensing deals. Those who expected quick stardom, or who could not make the time in their lives to be regular participants perhaps missed out on what could have been the best path to achieving their goals ever available to them.

For newer CSA members, you will not have the opportunity to learn first hand from the same legends that shared their time with us in the first 25 years, as many of them are now fully retired or unable to travel -- there will not be presentations and workshops from immortals like George David Weiss or Pete Seeger or Sheila Davis, but there will be new shining stars who will share with us, and the knowledge given us by that first generation of towering figures lives on in those CSA members who are still active and familiar faces in the CSA community.

Now in our third decade, CSA remains a thriving and growing organization offering tremendous opportunities for those who choose to take them. We held a statewide songwriting conference which received rave reviews from those in attendance, and will do more.  We are a major sponsor of the New England Musicians Expo. We've raised hundreds of thousands of dollars for social services through our many benefit events, showing artists how to partner with other organizations for greater success. We have held hundreds of songwriter showcases and special performance events, and will continue to do so.  And we will continue to provide monthly networking potential and learning opportunities for anyone who wishes to take advantage of them.

And that is the key to unlock the door to your chosen goals. It is completely up to you to choose or not choose to be an active participant in your own development as a writer and artist. CSA only provides the opportunities -- it is you who must make them your opportunities. If your life is busy, if it's too far to drive, if you're feeling too tired, the choice is always yours. You set the priority for how important your music is in your life. You choose your own goals and direction. All we can do is to continue to offer the best possible opportunities, and make it clear that you will get out of it as much as you put into it. We value the participation of each and every member, and we will do whatever we can to help you get where you want to go. Your regular involvement, becoming a familiar face, and making yourself known shows that you are serious about wanting to learn and develop your craft, and this is a key to open doors for you.

An investment in CSA is an investment in yourself, and we hope to see you as a familiar face this year and beyond.

Bill Pere

President and Executive Director, CSA
Founder and Chair, L.U.N.C.H.
IMC Indie Artist of the Year
Official CT State Troubadour

Additional Information:  and




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PO Box 511 Mystic CT 06355  --