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  Bill Pere:  Executive Director



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A History of CSA: The First Decade (1979-1989)

What is Song Craft ?

Why Join CSA ?

Members featured in Making Music Magazine

American Idol Articles

 Articles on songwriting techniques

Want to Sign a Record Contract ?

Songcrafters' Coloring Book: The Essential Guide to Effective and Successful Songwriting

Interested in a weekend Songwriting Retreat?

Members have the opportunity to get their songs released on our Compilation CD's

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Great performance opportunities at our Showcases and Concert Series. For  performance opportunities and schedules, click here   

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Would you be interested in attending a weekend Songwriter Retreat?
(details here)

note5.gif (5588 bytes)       CSA - Some Milestones

CSA began in New London, Connecticut  in 1979, as a weekly Songwriter Showcase.
 It has since grown to be one of the oldest and most respected songwriter 
associations in the country.

Combining arts, education, and community outreach, CSA has provided monthly programs without interruption, since 1979, with noted guest speakers.  At times, there have been programs every week.  More than 200 music industry professionals have been guest speakers at CSA meetings, and CSA has presented hundreds of Songwriter Showcases and major concert events.  In addition to the milestones listed below, a detailed  history of the first 10 years of CSA (1979-1989) can be found here.     

1979 Media Showcase at Rudy’s Pier One in New London
1980 “Connecticut Songsmith” begins publication
1979-1983 5 Annual New London Sail Festivals
1980-1983 4 Annual United Cerebral Palsy Telethons
1980-1984 March of Dimes Telethons - New London
1980-1985 Songwriters Showcases around the State
1981 Mystic Seaport Green Concert
1981 New Haven Green Concert
1982 Expo ‘82 Groton-New London Airport
1983 Folkfest at Connecticut College - New London
1986-1988 “Up on Living” concerts in Waterbury
1987-1988 Video Showcases - Storer Cable - Groton
1988 Levitt Pavilion Songwriters Invitational - Westport
1989 10th Year Anniversary Showcase - Meriden
1989-present  “Best of CSA”  Compilation Cassette/CD series
1990-1993 Two Benefit Concerts for Connecticut Hospice
1990-1991 Benefits for Cornerstone Soup Kitchen
1990-1992 Earth Day Celebration Concert - Mystic
1991-present Harry Chapin Legacy Shows for Hunger Relief , launching the LUNCH program
(raising more than $400,000 to date.)
1991 Tom Callinan becomes the first Official Connecticut State Troubadour
1994 Songwriters Showcase at Warner Center for the Arts - Torrington
1994 Kidstock Benefit for inner city kids - New Haven
1995 Bill Pere becomes the 4th Official Connecticut State Troubadour
1995-present The LUNCH Holiday Show series begins
1995-1998 Concerts with the Steve Chapin Band
1997-present CSA Holiday Compilation CD series
1996-1998 All Troubadour Concerts - Garde Arts Center, Sacred Heart University &
Cheney Hall
1998 President Don Donegan's 4th trip to Nashville to pitch CSA members' songs
1996-present Sale of  CSA recordings in retail outlets like Border Books & Music and The Connecticut Store in Waterbury & Mystic
1999 An entire year of special events to celebrate CSA's 20th Anniversary 
1999 New London 20th Anniversary Showcase Series. 
2000 CSA goes online with its first web site
2002 Songwriters Night at The Buttonwood begins in Middletown
2002 CSA Reunion Showcase at the Vanilla Bean Cafe
2002 CSA initiates the online e-group CT Songs Cafe
2003 CSA switches to electronic Newsletter distribution
2003 CSA is represented by Bill Pere at the Philadelphia Independent Music Conference and at the Northeast Regional Folk Alliance Convention. Bill is named national  Indie Artist of the Year at the IMC.
2004 The Connecticut Songwriting and Performance Conference, Three Rivers College with Jen Chapin, Alex Forbes, and a host of great presenters
2004 The Mystic River Concert Series and the Pine Loft Showcase Series
2004 CSA's biggest year so far, celebrating 25 years of serving the songwriting community.  More than 40 events during the year !
2004 CSA's newsletter, Connecticut Songsmith,  celebrates its 300th Issue !
2004 Nancy Tucker is named Indie Artist of the Year at the national IMC
2005 Mystic River Folk enters its Second Season
2005 CSA issues its 10th Compilation CD of new songs, along with bonus tracks from the original 1989 compilation
2005 CSA is a major sponsor and participant in the first New England Music Expo
2006 Mystic River Folk continues for a third season.
2006 CSA goes to Dallas and Philadelphia as sponsors of the Independent Music Conferences.
2006 CSA has great Pro Workshops, with hit writer Alan Roy Scott,  Dick Gabrielle of Gary Puckett and the Union Gap, and Grammy Winner Mike Hopkins
2007 CSA's Kay Pere receives an Immie Award at the 2007 Independent Music Conference in Philadelphia.
2007 CSA Artists perform with the Original Harry Chapin Band at the Shubert Theater in New Haven, raising more than $20,000 to provide services for the homeless.
2007 CSA has great Pro Workshops with Marci Geller from NYC and Gilli Moon from L.A.
2007 CSA presents a very successful CD Release Event for it's  Spiritual compilation CD "Along the Road"
2008 CSA Artists are invited for an encore perfor,amce  perform with the Original Harry Chapin Band at the Shubert Theater in New Haven, raising money to provide services for the homeless.
2008 CSA presents a Master Class Workshop with Pat Pattison from the Berklee School of Music.
2008 CSA goes to  New Jersey, West Virginia, and Philladelphia as Music Conference Sponsors and presenters.

         PO Box 511 Mystic CT 06355 -- E-Mail: info @


You may request a membership application package by mail   OR

You may print out the application form online and mail it back to us (faster!)  OR

You may join directly online via credit card (fastest !)

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